Hello ! I don't understand how to créate several variations. It seems I can only créate the best move but I would like to créate bad moves to save the correct réfutations...in fact I would like to créate branches...Sorry my English is not so good I Hope you undersatand what I mean..! 😂 Thanks in advance for helping me. Miche-Muche
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Chess Openings Trainer is no longer available on the Google Play Store.
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You got it right, you can enter only one move for your own color (your best move or favorite move). However you can enter all opponent's moves, including bad moves! If your opponent makes a bad move you will be ready to crush him right away.
On the other hand you do not want to learn bad moves for your own color, that would be a waste. Instead this trainer will help you remember "your" move, the one that you carefully selected for the board position your are currently facing.
Allowing to enter more than one move for your own color would not be effective with the flash cards (spaced repetition) learning algorithm. In addition, the computer would not be as efficient as it should at finding your weaknesses during your training.
That said, some users choose to have two different repertoires. One repertoire is used against opponents with a lower ELO while the other one is used against the best players. These users usually save a backup of each repertoire (for example "Low_ELO.crtdb" and "High_ELO.crtdb") and restore the appropriate backup in order to train against the opponent they will be facing.
It's up to you to manage it all...
Hope this help!