If i 7nderstand correctly moves end at move. 20.... for black if so is there a way to have more moves.
This i really do bot like , why oh why only 1 move is possible as a correct move - I got a var that has 2 approaches that branch at move 11 for different play styles , is there a way around it besides 2nd pgn?
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For PGN import, moves end at move 40... (not 20...) and you can enter more move manually if you want.
The purpose of this tool is to help you memorize moves that will help you to get a good board position and win the game. To achieve this you only need to memorize one move per board position. Otherwise, if you try memorizing all possible moves for your own color, you can get lost very quickly. Moreover, allowing to enter more than one move for your own color would not be effective with the flash cards (spaced repetition) learning algorithm. In addition, the computer would not be as efficient as it should at finding your weaknesses during your training.