Chess Openings Trainer is no longer available on the Google Play Store.
Make sure to make a backup your openings.
If you have a licensing issue, contact us for a workaround.
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Main Menu
The main menu is the first screen displayed upon app startup.

MANAGE OPENINGS: Opens the Manage Openings screen.

TRAINING: Opens the Training screen.

SETTINGS: Opens the Settings screen.

BACKUP: Allows you to save the current database (all openings including stats) to your SD card (or local storage) in folder CRT_Backups under name BACKUP_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.crtdb.

RESTORE: Allows you to restore a previously saved database. Warning: if you have unsaved openings they will be lost, so ensure to backup them first.

RATE: Opens the Google Play Store app page so that you can rate it and / or write a nice review.

SHARE: Allows you to easily share a link to the Google Play store app page with your friends.

FORUM: Opens the app's forum where you can post and exchange ideas with the community.

INFO: Opens the Info screen.